Monday, July 11, 2016

Blog Name Change and my advise on periscope; have fun with it!

Hello my loves!

As you noticed I changed the name to my blog as well as my twitter handle, well the reason is because I noticed that Kaleidoscope Heart from a song and a lot of people use it so God forbid I ever got sued for using that I decided to change it to "Oh Hi Leo" Reason why I chose that blog name is because A. I'm a Leo and B. hili there! I like to think that since I'm a naturally a nice person I'm always saying hello to everyone even if it's just a smile cause you know everyone deserves a gesture of good faith or maybe they need a pick me up since Pokemon Go servers are down (NOOOOOOO!) 

Okay so Moffat doesn't really have anything to do with this post, just for the dramatics really.  On to what I mainly came on here to blog about. I've had a periscope for what seems like the longest time and I was hooked and stopped broadcasting back in March before I went back home to Chicago so I thought I would always periscope but since I have a different early schedule now it's kind of impossible to stay up and do broadcasts so I figured I'd start doing them randomly thought the day or even when I get off work.

My Periscopes need some work but it's okay cause all that matters is that you have fun with it! and if your a shy person who would like to start making periscopes just do it, there is always going to be mean people out there and you know what screw them, if they can't say anything nice then it's probably because they are so fed up with their social life they think that they can bring someone down with them. Trust me, just have fun with it and ignore ignorant people; for example today I was broadcasting about Pokemon Go and someone decided that it would be "fun" to make fun of my gap between my top front teeth, now I know that this has always been there, i've been very full aware even though that I still don't have the funds to get that corrected at this point of time (which I will) I love my little gap and what happened, blocked his ass! cause people are always going to find little flaws in you no matter what social media platform you go on. My advise is love what you do, have fun with it and enjoy it!