Monday, January 23, 2017

♡ 2017..0 Resolutions But Plenty Of Improvments♡

Hello my beautiful mermaids!

I know it’s been a hot minute since I’ve written on here and I kinda forgot to come back here (oops!)
Anywho we are 23 days into 2017 and a bunch of stuff has happened and I’m not going to go into detail because I’m sure everyone is very well aware.

There are reasons why I don’t do resolutions anymore and that’s because just like everyone else I break them, granted NOT everyone breaks them…in fact I give those who stick with their resolutions throughout the whole year. The older I get the more I realize that resolutions are not really doing it for me because if you think about it, you are more prone to break that resolution if it’s the same one you’ve promised to do every single year.

So here I am at 29 years and started a new year thinking to myself “Do I really want to make New Year resolutions? Should I even bother? I mean come on Bri…we all know what’s going to happen a month from now….you gonna forget! But the more I thought about it the more I thought about what I would love to improve versus actually making a resolution.

So for 2017 I have made a list of what I would love to improve in so here goes!

*Keep eating my veggies (I’m currently trying to lose weight so trying to eat more greens)
* Prep my food for either the following day or week. Reason is because I’ve noticed myself actually spending money I do not need to be spending and not actually eating the food I bought to cook for my weeks at work.
*Also…actually making the time to cook, I do make some time but I feel like I can improve not only my cooking skills but also make an effort. ESPECIALLY if I want to better my eating habits.
*Clean my damn car and room…Michael likes to call me a hurricane, not because I’m a wild free spirit but because I make a mess in any room or open area I touch…..I’ve learn to accept this
*Actually work on and improve on make-up and my craft ideas. Funny story I use to be so invested in my small business that I was actually making some cash on the side while I was unemployed, wasn’t a lot of money but enough if I wanted to treat myself to a coffee or a meal at Chuy’s. In reality working so far from home and driving in what is the never ending Austin traffic is so freaking exhausted.

Stay Mer-mazing!