Sunday, April 17, 2016

Sunday Funday Haul

Happy Sunday Babes!

I know it's been FOREVER since I've been on here, my work has been a little.....hectic however I've been having a total bloglust aka wanderlust to be back on the bloggersphere!

And thought "you know I did buy some stuff today sooo let me share!" which what better way to get back into the game than doing a little Sunday Funday haul! So most of my purchases were lippies! So as you should know when it comes to make up I have more lipsticks than ANYTHING else and if lipsticks had a mind of their own they would probably be like...

(come one I think our makeup must have this thought)

Milani Amore Mettallics collections 5 our of 8
-Chormatic Addict
-Matte about you
-Mattely in love
-Automattic Touch

 All 5 lip creams were $7.99 at HEB and from what I read and understood was that these are only around for a limited time which I decided to stack up!

Ogx thick and full Biotin & Collagen oil treatment
At Ulta for $7.99

Since I do color my hair almost every month and half I want to give my hair a healthy thick glow, and a friend recommended to do the oil treatment help with those ends so here is to healthy ends!

swatches for Milani below:

I'm going to wear these this week and give them the full test along with a review from the week!

I hope you enjoyed the post my Kaleidoscope babes!

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