Sunday, April 24, 2016

Sunday Routines & procrastination at it's Best.

Happy Sunday Hearts!

Usually on Sunday's I tend to relax and just have a lazy day; however the past couple of weeks that hasn't been the case, weather it's just long earns/long driving earns when sometimes I just want to roll around and just cuddle close to my Starlord Tsmu Tsmu.

Usually my sundays consist of cleaning, grocery shopping, and my favorite cooking! now my room has been an utter mess since I've come back from Chicago....which I'm ashamed to even say that was almost a month ago, I know I know it's crazy how could I live like that >.<

However like most of us Sundays are our preparations to the work week ahead of us! Usually what I like to do to relax before I start an eventful week.

-Drink tea, green tea or chamomile tea to relax....or wine that works too

or reading that helps as well....well maybe for me.

Monday here we go.....

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