Monday, May 9, 2016

What's going on baby boo boo?!

Hello My ♥'s

So I know it's been a couple of weeks since I've been on here and there really isn't much of an excuses as to why, I honestly hit like a writers block which guess what that always happens to me when I'm writing and it's pretty common!

So what's been going on with me is simple, I've been sick and I actually had to get emergency surgery last week and had my gallbladder removed :-(  yeah an angry gallbladder is no fun at all! It got to the point where I couldn't hold any food down, I had gone to the ER twice on Tuesday once in the AM and again late at night that same day and they found gallstones and which the transported me to the actual hospital ( I went to a 24 hr ER that wasn't a actual hospital) Once I got there they had given me sedatives to calm the pain as well as let 8 hours pass since I had dinner that night before I went in.

With that being said, this Kaleidoscope can't eat any more spicy food :( which will go through me if I do (eww I know TMI) So in the meantime I will be here at home resting, watching youtube videos and reading seeing what else I get myself into while I'm home....maybe finally catch up on GOT (Please do not ruin it for me!)

Toodles Noodles!

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