Sunday, June 4, 2017

"Hunted" by Meagan Spooner Review (Spoiler Free)

Hello mis preciosuras!

Hope everyone is ha having an amazing start to their June! Sorry I've been out for a hot minute but I am going to try an be consistant on here.

I've been getting into reading and I've actually started a book tube not too long ago called "Ohhileo Books" right now I haven't really had a chance to upload any reviews or TBR just yet BUT I'm still working on it and messing with the video editor. ANNNNNNNYWAY! with that being said I have started to pick up reading and pretty much fall back in love with it, recently I had a free credit from Audible and I ended up getting Meagan Spooner's Haunted.


(Full disclaimer the spelling of the names might be butchered)
Breif Synopses':

Hunted is a way way different re-taling of Beauty and the Beast, when I first read it I felt it was a mix of that along with a side of Hunger Games but just in the beginning and after that you don't really see the resembelance anymore. The sorry tells about a girl name Yeva who is the youngest for 3 daughters and her father Tercko is this rich man who has been doing well for years...until he loses everything.

Then they move to their old hunting cabin and basically starts back up from zero however he is never heard of again. Ao of course Yeva being the restless young woman that she is (she also reminds me of  Mulan & Merida) she goes and looks for him...that is until she notices something big and bad HUNTING her.

My Review: lets get started.

I loved the start of how this novel started because as I mentioned before, the writing reminded me a weeeee bit of the hunger games and it was exciting when I first started to listen to it, until after Yeva being captured and after that it kinda got slow, and majority of the book stands in a stand still after Yeva's dad goes missing.

Now I know what you are thinking....but Bri, you gotta remember it's a book...and yes I know it's a book but throw a little bit of excitement here and there.

Now if you absolutely loved it, than that's cool! I don't blame you it's a pretty good book, I just thought the middle and a good portion of the book was lagging and a bit slow. Have you read this book? let me know what you think about it.

Tootles my preciosuras! Stay humble and colorful!

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