Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Snail Mailing Adventures!

Hello my lovely mermaids!

I have a real fun update! I'm starting to do snail mail/pen pals again!

about 4 years ago I use to be really big into writing letters and sending parcels to friends all over the world and doing a whole bunch of awesome swaps! but unfortunately I had to go on a slight hiatus...for 4 years. Due to personal issues I could no longer continue writing my pen pals, some I'm still friends with and others just ghosted me.

But here I am back at it! and what I'm going to do is every month like there is a favorites month whether it's make up, books etc I will do a favorites for what I receive from my pen pals!

I'm so excited to start pen paling again and I can't wait to share with you all what I receive and of course I will be sending what I will be sending them as well :)

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