Tuesday, August 23, 2016

♡2016 Wizard World Chicago!♡

Happy Tuesday BloginBabes!

Hope everyone had a fantastic weekend! I know the Austin area was still being flushed out with the rain however since I have been out of the state since Thursday, the weather here in Chicago has been AMAZING! Just beautiful weather, it did rain for like a day or two hardcore but cleared up real quick. Since I'm on vacation from work I am spending the whole week here and what better way to start off the week than with attending Wizard World!!

For those of you who don't know what Wizard World is, it's like a sort of smaller Comic Con but it's so much fun! As it should be of course, This was actually my first time at one and what better way to pop my comic con cherry with my handsome Aries ♡ It was truly an amazing experience, definitely going to do it again next year with my beloved and since we have a general Idea of how much things pretty much are we can always start saving up for next years which is always exciting. If you were a 90's kid you are probably going to remember waking up every morning on Saturdays to watch The Power Rangers! So I'm pretty sure you know who I'm talking about..... (if you following me on any social media you are going to guess right) Mr. Tommy Oliver himself; Jason David Frank! and let me tell y'all it was a real dream come true because as most 90's kids he was our hero like all I wanted to do was play with my power ranger toys and become a power ranger myself AKA every child in the world did!

I was a jittery mess, we were all talking about what we would say to him and of course being the chatty Cathy that I am I was telling him a random story about how I came across getting the green ranger shirt for my brother on Christmas lol didn't even let Aries talk like at all just said his name "how's it going" 

When I get nervous I talk....and alot. So when we got to him I introduced myself and like right away asked him for a hug, totes did not think he was going to give me one and he did so of course you can imagine my total fan girling moment and it pretty much went like this

(This also happened when I saw John Bowerman)

He was just such a sweetheart, you can defenitly tell when the fans are everything for actors (and musicians) he was such a laid back down to earth kind of guy. I'm so happy Aries mentioned it to me and bought the tickets for us to go, he's truly an amazing boyfriend....and knows that his girlfriend is hands down a huge noob at heart ♡

(Got this signed for my little brother)


I didn't get to take a picture with these guys but it was a s close as I was going to get to them 😍

Christopher Lloyd

Norman Reedus  

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