Monday, August 8, 2016


Happy Monday my lovelies!

Breaking News! Michael comes to Austin in literally 5 days! and then I will be on a two week vacation! I cannot wait for him to see Austin as well get a general view of my everyday life here in Austin. 

We'll be celebrating my birthday as well as our one year anniversary earlier (8/28). So excited! 

Moving on! sorry for gushing I'm just so excited for my Panda bear to come home.
Today was a random day where I felt like actually taking my time and doing my make up, as well as it's been a hot minute since I posted a here you go!

Lippie of the day is Miliani "Chromatic Addict"

A while back I had bought like two of the Milani Metals...okay maybe like 5 of them
However I haven't really reviewed them fully so once I do use them for a week I will totes write a little review for them which so far I am loving them! and best thing of all, everyone thought they were Kylie's "King K" which was so much fun having people guessing if I was wearing the real thing or if it was a dupe :P

I hope you've enjoyed this post my loves and I wish you an amazing night!

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