Sunday, August 7, 2016

My experience with the "Que Bella Professionals" Masks

Hello my lovelies!

Long time no chat! So I wanted to write about a little situation that happened to me last night and honestly I can't get the smell out of my nose as well as I can't put anything on my face cause it's like super sensitive right now 

A couple of weeks ago (more like a month ago) I bought the Que Bella know the one you actually spread around your face, not the made masks. I tried those and it was amazing but the application of the masks were a little messy but of course you spread it all over your face I liked how there was enough product in the bag to actually you know share with someone else. but after apply it and letting it sit for like 3 minutes (it's suppose to be for 15 minutes!) but the stench was so horrid as it stung so bad I couldn't keep it on for the full 15, after I washed it off I could smell moldy know that smell when you move flowers from a vase that have had that moldy water....yeah that

If Michael were here he wouldn't kiss me...honestly I wouldn't even kiss me cause my face smelled like that and the package said it was suppose to be "Lavender" scent....there was nothing lavender about it.

I really really wanted to love the masks but the only thing I loved more was the already made masks.

If you've tried these I would love to hear your opinion on them!

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