Tuesday, August 23, 2016

♡2016 Wizard World Chicago!♡

Happy Tuesday BloginBabes!

Hope everyone had a fantastic weekend! I know the Austin area was still being flushed out with the rain however since I have been out of the state since Thursday, the weather here in Chicago has been AMAZING! Just beautiful weather, it did rain for like a day or two hardcore but cleared up real quick. Since I'm on vacation from work I am spending the whole week here and what better way to start off the week than with attending Wizard World!!

For those of you who don't know what Wizard World is, it's like a sort of smaller Comic Con but it's so much fun! As it should be of course, This was actually my first time at one and what better way to pop my comic con cherry with my handsome Aries ♡ It was truly an amazing experience, definitely going to do it again next year with my beloved and since we have a general Idea of how much things pretty much are we can always start saving up for next years which is always exciting. If you were a 90's kid you are probably going to remember waking up every morning on Saturdays to watch The Power Rangers! So I'm pretty sure you know who I'm talking about..... (if you following me on any social media you are going to guess right) Mr. Tommy Oliver himself; Jason David Frank! and let me tell y'all it was a real dream come true because as most 90's kids he was our hero like all I wanted to do was play with my power ranger toys and become a power ranger myself AKA every child in the world did!

I was a jittery mess, we were all talking about what we would say to him and of course being the chatty Cathy that I am I was telling him a random story about how I came across getting the green ranger shirt for my brother on Christmas lol didn't even let Aries talk like at all just said his name "how's it going" 

When I get nervous I talk....and alot. So when we got to him I introduced myself and like right away asked him for a hug, totes did not think he was going to give me one and he did so of course you can imagine my total fan girling moment and it pretty much went like this

(This also happened when I saw John Bowerman)

He was just such a sweetheart, you can defenitly tell when the fans are everything for actors (and musicians) he was such a laid back down to earth kind of guy. I'm so happy Aries mentioned it to me and bought the tickets for us to go, he's truly an amazing boyfriend....and knows that his girlfriend is hands down a huge noob at heart ♡

(Got this signed for my little brother)


I didn't get to take a picture with these guys but it was a s close as I was going to get to them 😍

Christopher Lloyd

Norman Reedus  

Friday, August 19, 2016

Date Night with A Hint of Purple!

Happy Friday Blogbabes!

Since my last post a lot has been going on, my wonderful Aries came into town and we've been having mini adventures here and there (couldn't do much because it was raining in Austin...Womp womp!)

However we did eat ALOT....I mean alot haha we did have a little night out with my cousin and her family so I decided to play with my make up and then it ended up liking what I created haha. I used my Disney "Cast a Spell Maleficent" beauty book.

Colors used(in order)
-Evil Enchantress

Other Products used:
- Wet N Wild Eye Liner pot
-Nyx Color Mascara "Purple"- bottom lashes
-L'oreal Telescopic mascara-Top lashes  
-Nyx Brow pencil

So I usually don't really do eye's besides mascara and the occasional eye liner but I'm trying to widen my horizons to kinda see what all I can do, after all my mom is like a Queen at blending (I will post something with her in it so you can bare witness of the amazing talent that is my mother!). However I thought this was a perfect casual and bold look pretty much for any day.

(Aries & Me)

Let me know what you think of this look & stay tuned for this weekends post from Wizard World Chicago! Have a beautiful day my babes!

Monday, August 8, 2016


Happy Monday my lovelies!

Breaking News! Michael comes to Austin in literally 5 days! and then I will be on a two week vacation! I cannot wait for him to see Austin as well get a general view of my everyday life here in Austin. 

We'll be celebrating my birthday as well as our one year anniversary earlier (8/28). So excited! 

Moving on! sorry for gushing I'm just so excited for my Panda bear to come home.
Today was a random day where I felt like actually taking my time and doing my make up, as well as it's been a hot minute since I posted a LSOTD...so here you go!

Lippie of the day is Miliani "Chromatic Addict"

A while back I had bought like two of the Milani Metals...okay maybe like 5 of them
However I haven't really reviewed them fully so once I do use them for a week I will totes write a little review for them which so far I am loving them! and best thing of all, everyone thought they were Kylie's "King K" which was so much fun having people guessing if I was wearing the real thing or if it was a dupe :P

I hope you've enjoyed this post my loves and I wish you an amazing night!

Sunday, August 7, 2016

My experience with the "Que Bella Professionals" Masks

Hello my lovelies!

Long time no chat! So I wanted to write about a little situation that happened to me last night and honestly I can't get the smell out of my nose as well as I can't put anything on my face cause it's like super sensitive right now 

A couple of weeks ago (more like a month ago) I bought the Que Bella masks..you know the one you actually spread around your face, not the made masks. I tried those and it was amazing but the application of the masks were a little messy but of course you spread it all over your face I liked how there was enough product in the bag to actually you know share with someone else. but after apply it and letting it sit for like 3 minutes (it's suppose to be for 15 minutes!) but the stench was so horrid as it stung so bad I couldn't keep it on for the full 15, after I washed it off I could smell moldy flowers....you know that smell when you move flowers from a vase that have had that moldy water....yeah that

If Michael were here he wouldn't kiss me...honestly I wouldn't even kiss me cause my face smelled like that and the package said it was suppose to be "Lavender" scent....there was nothing lavender about it.

I really really wanted to love the masks but the only thing I loved more was the already made masks.

If you've tried these I would love to hear your opinion on them!

Monday, July 11, 2016

Blog Name Change and my advise on periscope; have fun with it!

Hello my loves!

As you noticed I changed the name to my blog as well as my twitter handle, well the reason is because I noticed that Kaleidoscope Heart from a song and a lot of people use it so God forbid I ever got sued for using that I decided to change it to "Oh Hi Leo" Reason why I chose that blog name is because A. I'm a Leo and B. hili there! I like to think that since I'm a naturally a nice person I'm always saying hello to everyone even if it's just a smile cause you know everyone deserves a gesture of good faith or maybe they need a pick me up since Pokemon Go servers are down (NOOOOOOO!) 

Okay so Moffat doesn't really have anything to do with this post, just for the dramatics really.  On to what I mainly came on here to blog about. I've had a periscope for what seems like the longest time and I was hooked and stopped broadcasting back in March before I went back home to Chicago so I thought I would always periscope but since I have a different early schedule now it's kind of impossible to stay up and do broadcasts so I figured I'd start doing them randomly thought the day or even when I get off work.

My Periscopes need some work but it's okay cause all that matters is that you have fun with it! and if your a shy person who would like to start making periscopes just do it, there is always going to be mean people out there and you know what screw them, if they can't say anything nice then it's probably because they are so fed up with their social life they think that they can bring someone down with them. Trust me, just have fun with it and ignore ignorant people; for example today I was broadcasting about Pokemon Go and someone decided that it would be "fun" to make fun of my gap between my top front teeth, now I know that this has always been there, i've been very full aware even though that I still don't have the funds to get that corrected at this point of time (which I will) I love my little gap and what happened, blocked his ass! cause people are always going to find little flaws in you no matter what social media platform you go on. My advise is love what you do, have fun with it and enjoy it!

Monday, May 16, 2016

DIY: Apple & Banana Smoothie! ♡

Happy Monday my awesome loves!!

Since I have a sweet tooth and training your pallete to a healthy way of eating or drinking sweets it can be rather difficult but nothing is impossible!

I a couple of weeks ago I made a yummy smoothie that I never posted on here to share with you all, it's a Apple & Banana smoothie and it was amazing!

All you need is the following:
- 1 cup of Almond Milk
-half an apple
- Half of banana 
- 1 Scoop of vanilla protein powder

Bon appettit!

Let me know what your favorite protein smoothie is! 

Sunday, May 15, 2016

♡Urban Decay Naked Skin One & Done Review♡

Hello World and Happy Weekend!!

So before I left to San Francisco last month I was completely out of my Urban Decay Naked and I had just enough (which mean like two or three drops left) I had gotten some samples of my regular naked cause being that I was in SF I know the tax was going to be bonkers so I just thought I'd wait until I got some. Welp when I stepped into Ulta I noticed that UD has new Naked Skin One & Done foundations in six shades; Light, Medium light, Medium, Medium Dark, Dark & Deep. 

Which when I saw it and had some applied to my face, it felt amazing! I mean UD original Naked Skin foundation does what it's name hold...it makes your face feel naked which I love, I personally don't like when my face feels cakey and there are some foundations that leave that cakey feeling, but that's for another post :) Well this new One & Done it's very hydrating which is perfect for the summer months...you know since I live in Texas half of the time we don't really have fever...it's more like Summer half of the time hahaha

like I mentioned it's very hydrating and I feel like I'm not really wearing anything BUT I usually apply it after I applied my moisturizer, it last I swear all day of course with primer and Color Corrections it works like a charm! 



My overall review on Urban Decay's Naked Skin One & Done is....

5 out of 5 Kaleidoscope Unicorn's (I call them that lol that's not their real name)

What's your favorite foundation? Do you like the UD's new foundation?

Thursday, May 12, 2016

♡Hair Boost Caboose ♡

Hello my loves, Happy Thursday!!

Since I can remember I have always had very fair/thin hair, sadly it's genetic and with that being said my hair sometimes just made it look like I had a head full of oil half of the time, oh yeah I forgot to mention I have a oily scalp so my hair gets oily very quickly.

Now one of my amazing friends is a hairdresser and she was the one who hooked it up and got me taking care of my hair a little more, like me having just a little bit more volume. Usually when it come to volume I have a couple of products that I've used and some have not worked so well but there are some that have been amazing products to me!

I live by Lush's "Roots" it's so amazing this product is for those like myself who have fine, thin hair. all you gotta do is apply, massage your scalp and normally what I do is do my tips as well and wait 20 minutes... Now there is sometimes I use Big Sexy Hair's Volumizing Treatment once I was Roots off, all you normally gotta do is just damp your hair apply and comb over wait 5 minutes and then rinse off. 

However sometimes I don't normally do both, there's sometimes I'm in a rush and I don't have 20 minutes to spare which usually is during the week when I have to work, in that instance I just do Big Sexy Hair.; either way both of these products work and they do a fanfreakingtastic job!

When I do use Roots once the 20 minutes are up, rinse out and shampoo as usually!

annnnnnd taaaada!!!

What hair products do you like to give your hair that little ump?

♡♡New Reads!♡♡

Herro my loves and happy Wednesday!

I got some amazing awesome new reads! and I'm so excited to get started on these babies!

Actually these are books given to me by Michael's dad, last time I visited he gave me these as a gift and I couldn't be more happy to have an incredible family! so shout out to Dad! ♡♡♡

As a Whovian I love watching as well reading anything Doctor Who! and when I saw this book I was in awe! I looked through the pages and the fairy tales are amazing there's some that our traditional fairy tales like cinderella and the three blind mice but think about all the fairy tales you heard/read when you were a kid but with a Who plot twist! of course since I found out that they were creating "Fantastic Beasts & where to find them" into a movie I actually started reading that book first before the movie comes out.

Once I actually finish reading a book I will actually make a post with reviews, favorite points and quotes of the book and honest thoughts overalls!

Happy Reading everyone ♡♡

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

25 Questions About Le Me

Happy Tuesday my Lovelies!

Even though that I had my blog up for a while now I thought I would do 25 questions that way you guys could know a little more about me ^_^

1. What is your middle name?  Johanna

2. What was your favorite subject at school? Welp I mean school was school half of the time I did not want to be there, BUT I loved Dance and World History!

3. What is your favorite drink? If it's non-alcoholic it would probably be Sweet Tea (The true texan in me) and alcoholic it would have to be Jack & Coke or Pina Coladas

4. What is your favorite song at the moment? Oh man, that would be a tough one, there are so many but I know it's old however it would have to be Coldplay's "Paradise" It has a personal meaning for me which I would say it's always my favorite song but if we had to get technical I would say at the moment moment would be "Never Forget you" Zara Larsson &  MNEK.

5.  What is the last thing you bought? I can't really remember but I'm pretty sure it's going to be "Me Before You" and Urban Decay's Alice Through the Looking Glass palette.

6. What is your Favorite book of all time? There's so many! >.< I would probably have to say The Reader 

7. Favorite Color? Navy Blue

8. Do you have any pets? Yes! a Shorkie (Yorkie/shih-zu) His name is Troy and he's my & Michael's fur child.

9. Favorite Perfume? Wonderstruck by Taylor Swift

10. Favorite Vacation? June 2014 me and my family went to Six Flags Fiesta Texas and it was amazing!

11. Are you married? Nope! but I am happily taken.

12. Have you ever been out of the country? Yes! I've lived in El Salvador for two years.

13. Do you speak any other languages? Yes, Spanish.

14. Any Siblings? Yep, 4 younger brothers.

15. Favorite Shop? Old Navy & TJ Maxx

16. Favorite Restaurant? Pluckers!!

17. Last time you cried? Tuesday night, when I had to go back to the ER.

18. Favorite Blog? A Beautiful Mess!

19. Favorite Movie? Frida 

20. Favorite Tv Show? Doctor Who or Arrow

21. PC or Mac? Probably Mac

22. What phone do you have? Rose Gold Iphone 6S Plus, this thing is huge!

23. How tall are you? I'm a whopping 5'1!

24. Can you cook? Yes and no >.< 

25. Favorite Make-up product? I would have to say Urban Decay, Benefit & Too Face!

 Toodles Noodles!


Monday, May 9, 2016

What's going on baby boo boo?!

Hello My ♥'s

So I know it's been a couple of weeks since I've been on here and there really isn't much of an excuses as to why, I honestly hit like a writers block which guess what that always happens to me when I'm writing and it's pretty common!

So what's been going on with me is simple, I've been sick and I actually had to get emergency surgery last week and had my gallbladder removed :-(  yeah an angry gallbladder is no fun at all! It got to the point where I couldn't hold any food down, I had gone to the ER twice on Tuesday once in the AM and again late at night that same day and they found gallstones and which the transported me to the actual hospital ( I went to a 24 hr ER that wasn't a actual hospital) Once I got there they had given me sedatives to calm the pain as well as let 8 hours pass since I had dinner that night before I went in.

With that being said, this Kaleidoscope can't eat any more spicy food :( which will go through me if I do (eww I know TMI) So in the meantime I will be here at home resting, watching youtube videos and reading seeing what else I get myself into while I'm home....maybe finally catch up on GOT (Please do not ruin it for me!)

Toodles Noodles!

Sunday, April 24, 2016

Sunday Routines & procrastination at it's Best.

Happy Sunday Hearts!

Usually on Sunday's I tend to relax and just have a lazy day; however the past couple of weeks that hasn't been the case, weather it's just long earns/long driving earns when sometimes I just want to roll around and just cuddle close to my Starlord Tsmu Tsmu.

Usually my sundays consist of cleaning, grocery shopping, and my favorite cooking! now my room has been an utter mess since I've come back from Chicago....which I'm ashamed to even say that was almost a month ago, I know I know it's crazy how could I live like that >.<

However like most of us Sundays are our preparations to the work week ahead of us! Usually what I like to do to relax before I start an eventful week.

-Drink tea, green tea or chamomile tea to relax....or wine that works too

or reading that helps as well....well maybe for me.

Monday here we go.....